Influence of ESG on investments

ESG is a real catalyst for change, not a marketing gimmick. The importance of…

Forbes Diamons in Podlaskie voivodeship

A celebration of entrepreneurs from Podlasie took place yesterday in Białystok.…

Record-breaking year for warehouses in Poland

The year 2022 was record -breaking for warehouses in Poland. Interesting…

Santander Bank Polska S.A. finances Newport Logistics Fund’s the in Zgierz

Newport Logistics Fund, a fund that invests in warehouse real estate, has…

Warehouses are bursting at the seams

A very interesting article in Puls Biznesu summarizing the warehouse market in…

2023 Newport Business Mixer

It was a pleasure to host business mixer for friends of our fund. Thank you for…

Global economic growth forecast by International Monetary Fund

Very interesting 2023 forecast by International Monetary Fund regarding global…

Blackstone about 4Q and their real estate portlofio

Very interesting insights from Blackstone on their 4Q earnings and their real…

Investors want warehouses!

A very interesting article summarizing trends in this market as well as the…

2022 CEE-6 Highlights in the Real Estate

We recommend reading interesting report by Colliers about the 2022 CEE-6…