It is highly recommended to get familiar with Colliers report “SBU & Last Mile Logistics Sector in CEE-15”. Our summary is below:
✅ Total resources of the Industry & Logistics (I&L) market for the CEE-15 region exceeded 50 million sq.m.. Poland, as the largest market, accounts for almost 25 million sq.m..
✅ The total space stock of Small Business Unit and Last Mile Logistics on the CEE-15 markets amounts to over 3 million sq.m., of which Poland is approx. 2 million sq.m.
✅ Approximately 500.000 sq.m. of SBU / LML space is currently under construction in the CEE-15 countries, most of which (310,000 m2) is being built in Poland.
✅ Due to changes and disruptions in consumer behavior, production of goods and global supply chains caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the industrial and logistics space is the most sought-after asset both in the CEE region and globally.
Source: Colliers